Expanding opportunities for students with need to pursue their passion for medicine.
Medical student debt is a national challenge. Stanford has a long history of helping the best and brightest study here, regardless of socioeconomic status. Now thanks to a transformational challenge gift, we have an even greater opportunity to offer incoming students who may not have been able to consider it otherwise, the ability to realize their dream of graduating with a Stanford University medical school degree.
Your gift can help us meet the challenge and allow gifted students like those featured below to freely pursue their career passions without the burden of a lifetime of crippling debt.
Amplify the impact of your giving—make a matching gift today.
"I can't think of many better investments than investing in a program that funds medical students and biomedical researchers. People often make large personal sacrifices to be able to pursue a training program like this when they could be pursuing many well-compensated alternatives. [Medical progress] only moves forward because people are willing to make sacrifices to pursue progress in medicine."
"[I've been able to pursue research projects in] early childhood education and having educational interventions at the pediatrician's office [as well as] interprofessional communication teamwork in surgery. Both of those were made possible by Med Scholars Program that we have available on campus. If those resources weren't available, I would not have been able to participate in that research."
"[This] is something truly profound because you are allowing someone like me to impact hundreds, thousands of lives in my career, and that's a wave of change that is so difficult to make with just money. But if you contribute to a cause like this, you can do it through compassionate caretakers that people like me will eventually become. Enabling our dreams is enabling a better world for all."
"Thank you to those who have contributed because it has made a huge difference in just the decision to whether or not to go to medical school. It's because of their generosity. I probably would have had a much harder decision whether or not to go into medicine, especially coming from seven years of a different career [in the US Navy], whether or not to give all that up and start something new afresh. Having access to financial aid like that, really just made the decision a lot easier."
"For those individuals and donors who are considering contributing to the medical education of students like me, I would definitely encourage them to do so. They've not only provided me with an education that I would not have been able to receive at Stanford, but [enabled me to] do research that I wouldn't have been able to do without funding, [as well as enter] this master's program and pursue a passion for applying my engineering knowledge to patient care."
YOU can help support medical students - MAKE A GIFT
To learn more about how you can get involved, contact
Stanford Medicine’s Office of Medical Center Development:
Thameenah N. Muhammad
Senior Associate Director
Get Involved with Stanford Medicine
Help Us Make A Difference
Every dollar you give grows exponentially. It touches the people and projects you directly support, but also every student, every patient, and our entire community—including YOU.